Frozen effect with Photoshop

With Photoshop you can do whatever you want with the images. Among them freeze a photo so it looks like it's been a storm of cold and snow. How? We explain in today's tutorial intended for those who have an intermediate level in Photoshop.

Create a frozen effect with Photoshop

Frozen effect with Photoshop

The first step is to select the image you want to freeze. I chose a picture of a garden where you look great this effect. You can take a picture of internet or use one of your photos to surprise someone with this effect.

Duplicate this layer where this image and we to the top in the Image menu, Rotate Canvas and 90 BC. Let us now give an effect of stalactites, this is done from Filter -> Stylize and wind. We mark the wind from the right. If the image is too large we can apply the effect twice.

Let's put the image back in place, for this we rotate the canvas but this time, of course, right. With the effect of stalactites done and we can only change the color of the image and take those gray and blue colors of a winter own stamp.

To achieve this effect in Cntrol press Alt + U and put these values with the coloring function activated.

- Tone: 212
- Saturation: 30
- Brightness 12

Para finalizar vamos al filtro de plastificado y ponemos estos valores:

- Intensity: 5
- Detail: 15
- Softening 5

Adapt results

As you can see the result has been pretty good but you can gradually modify the values to give a different tone. It depends on each image will be better higher saturation lower brightness, etc.

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